...when you wear something borrowed.

top - Lipsy (mom's)
sweater - Abercrombie & Fitch (ancient)
pants - thrift
shoes - Anne Michelle (borrowed!)
watch - Swatch

I've had my eye on these babies for a couple of weeks now -- my friend recently bought them and I was biding my time till she loaned them to me. Finally, just yesterday, I was able to get them from her. I already have a bunch of outfits picked out to go with them!!

Visit my new page: Everyday

I wasn't able to find jeans with zippers like the one's picture above, but these in the set below are really cute and very fairly priced. The shoes are also not exact -- but lovely either way. Enjoy!

Yellow Pumps


The C. Style said…
I really like this look! Amazing combination!

I'm you fan in lookbook! What you think about we follow each other in google and chicisimo?

Kisses Sweetie!
Jane said…
Thank you, Catia! I fully intend on following you, as soon as I start a chicisimo page :-P I'll do it this weekend and you'll be the first person I follow! <3
Alonna said…
I know if I had those shoes, I would be wearing them all the time. I also know if I had borrowed them, my friend would never have gotten them back, haha.
I'm happy I found your blog, I like the structure of it and the "this is what happens when..." I's so creative!

Jane said…
Thanks, Alonna!

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